The middle school tennis match scheduled for today at Miller Co. has been canceled.

The track meet scheduled for tomorrow, 3/13/25 has been canceled due to the weather.

Seminole County Middle High School named AP Challenge School and AP Expansion School.
AP Challenge Schools are schools with enrollments of 900 or fewer students and exams administered in English, math, science, and social studies, and a minimum of 25 total exams administered.
AP Expansion Schools are AP schools with 25% growth in AP student participation from May 2023 to May 2024 and a minimum of 25 students testing in May 2023.

Help SCHS Juniors and Seniors pay for their Prom and win one of three Roberts Pharmacy shopping sprees.
Seminole County High School juniors and seniors are selling raffle tickets for Robert’s Pharmacy gift cards as a prom fundraiser. Each $10.00 ticket earns a chance to win one of three Roberts Pharmacy gift cards. The drawing will be held on March 18, 2025. The grand prize is a $300.00 Roberts Pharmacy gift card. Second place prize is a $150.00 Roberts Pharmacy gift card. Third place prize is a $75.00 Robert’s Pharmacy gift card. If you wish to purchase one or more of these raffle tickets, contact Sandy B. Hunter or one of our juniors or seniors. Thanks for your support of the 2025 prom.

The middle school baseball game against Washington (Cairo) has been rescheduled to Friday, March 21st, at 4:30 PM here.

The varsity baseball game against Baconton on Friday, 3/14/2025, will now be played at 5:00 PM.

Today's middle school baseball game has been canceled. Tuesday's varsity baseball game has been rescheduled to Wednesday, 3/12/2025 at 5:00 PM and will be played at Baconton.

CMHS Hosts 5th Grade Parent Night
On Thursday, March 6th, Seminole County Middle High School welcomed parents and students for an informative 5th Grade Parent Night. The event was designed to provide families from Seminole County Elementary School with valuable insights into the transition from elementary to middle school.
Mrs. Albritton, Principal of SCMHS, and Mrs. Haley Rykard, SCMS Counselor, led the presentation outlining the academic and elective opportunities available to students. They shared important details about middle school schedules, the registration process, and the changes students can expect as they move to middle school.
Following the presentation, parents and students had the opportunity to meet with teachers from both academic and elective departments, ask questions, and learn more about the upcoming school year. The event was a great success, and we look forward to welcoming the rising 6th graders to our building!

Seminole County Farm Bureau Art Contest Winners!

The varsity baseball game against Randolph will now start at 4:30 PM and will be a home game.


SCMHS Students Observed Black History Month
The annual celebration of Black History was expanded to a month in 1976, the nation's bicentennial, and President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
SCMHS students enjoyed daily trivia contests in February recognizing significant institutions and individuals in Black History.

Please come out Monday night, March 3rd, as we recognize and celebrate our athletes at our Winter Sports Banquet put on by the Seminole County Athletic Booster Club. The banquet will start at 6:00PM. Tickets at the door will be $10.00. Athletes and Coaches get in free.

Let's take the time to congratulate our students of the month:
6th grade: Leah Miller
7th grade: Tylen Dennis
8th grade: Trinity Rykard
9th grade: Peyton Jones
10th grade: Rylee Scott
11th grade: Hunter Watson
12th grade: Jailin McDaniel

Every month, our students at SCMHS vote on two staff members for Employee of the Month. This month, Mrs. Madison Moore & Coach Al Rumble were nominated. Thank you both for all your hard work and dedication. You inspire our students each day and contribute positively to our school!

As we end CTAE month, we want to commend our CTAE teachers for providing real-world, workforce-ready skills, real high school experience with added value and real opportunities for college and rewarding careers. Georgia’s CTAE graduation rate is 98.24% and we are proud to report that Seminole County’s CTAE graduation rate is 100%! Great job, CTAE Department! The Seminole County CTAE department is just one more reason why we are and continue to be the best school in southwest Georgia!
Our CTAE superstars include:
Kaylah Andrews, Workforce Ready and CTI Coordinator; Levi Dunn, Agricultural Mechanics; Victoria Fleet, Horticulture, Floral Design, Floriculture Systems and Animal Science; Jennifer Hodges, Allied Health and Medicine and Food and Nutrition; Michelle Hornsby, Web Development and Audio/Video Technology; Wes Pace, Young Farmer; and Kathryn Touchton, Teaching as a Profession, Business and Technology, Work-based Learning Coordinator and CTAE Director.
If any local business and industry would like to be involved with our CTAE program, please contact Kathryn Touchton, kathryn.touchton@seminole.k12.ga.us, and become a member of our advisory council. It is local needs that drive our program delivery and it is our community members that help us connect our students to opportunities available to them right here in Seminole County.

CTAE Director Kathryn Touchton and Workforce Ready Instructor Kaylah Andrews were invited to Georgia Pacific in Cedar Springs as part of the company's outreach to cultivate a pool of potential employees. After a tour of the facilities, they met with the leadership and HR teams, fostering a promising partnership that aims to expose our students to various employment opportunities at Georgia Pacific.

Attention 6th & 8th grade parents: Beginning on Monday, 3/3 through 3/20 all 6th & 8th grade students will have a mandatory scoliosis screening performed during their tribe time class. This is a state mandated requirement UNLESS the child's parent/guardian returns the screening form SIGNED with "OPT OUT" selected. Forms went home last week with your child. Female students are required to wear a sports bra or bathing suit top, and Male students need to wear a t-shirt for the test. Your students' tribe time teacher will notify them the day before their screening that they will be screened the next day. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse.

The SCMS baseball team will take on Washington Middle School at home on March 10th, at 4:00 pm. We will face them again when we travel to Cairo on March 19th. That game will also start at 4:00 pm.

Middle School Reading Club enjoys book tasting at monthly meetings!