If your child has tested positive for COVID-19, has been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or if your child has any of the following symptoms:
• Cough
• Diarrhea or vomiting
• Difficulty breathing
• Fever
• Headache
• Muscle pain
• Nausea
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
Please contact your child’s school nurse and include the following information, please be prepared to leave a voicemail message.
Students name and Date of birth
Your name and Call back number brief description of symptoms
Contact information
SCES Nurse Ryan Blackburn
229-524-5235/ ryanblackburn@seminole.k12.ga.us
SCMHS Nurse Courtney Parker
229-524-5135 /cparker@seminole.k12.ga.us