Parents and Students,We love the fact that our school is doing well in many areas this spring and we encourage the support of our community.  However, we still have to abide by the rules of the school system which is aligned with most school boards across the state of Georgia.  Thank you for your passion and support of our teams and school.  We greatly appreciate it as we are very proud of our students and coaches as well.  

In short, here is a brief explanation of checking out for a ball game or school event as a fan:

  • If your son or daughter is competing for the school or representing the school in a school sanctioned event, the student's absence from class is excused.  
  • If your son or daughter is absent from school because he/she is a fan of the team or a sibling of a player on the team,  then that absence is unexcused.     
  • If you choose to sign out your son/daughter for an event (unexcused) then your child cannot sign back in after the event is over.  

Here is the excerpt regarding attendance in our Student Handbook:  

Absences by Students from School

In accordance with Georgia State Law, excuses will be given for the following reasons:

1. Illness of the student.

2. Serious illness in the immediate family – father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, child, or relative residing permanently and continuously in the student’s home.

3. Death of an immediate family member.

4. Special and recognized religious holidays observed by the student’s faith.

5. Absences mandated by order of governmental agencies, e.g., court order.

6. When attendance is prevented due to conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to the student’s health or safety.

7. A student who has or reaches the age of 18 before the general election and is absent to register to vote.

8. Absences regarding family members who are part of a military deployment.

9.   Students working at polling places on Election Day.

*All other absences are unexcused.

When a student is absent from school, an excuse must be submitted within three school days of the student’s return to school.  Parents may send a written excuse for the student’s absence; however, after the student accumulates SEVEN absences with parent notes, the parent must provide appropriate documentation to validate additional absences (i.e., Doctor’s note, subpoena for court, etc.) After a MAXIMUM OF SEVEN parent notes have been submitted in a school year, all additional absences will be considered unexcused unless the appropriate documentation is presented to the school.  The Attendance Report Team, made up of the Guidance Counselor, an Administrator, the system Social Worker, and a teacher will meet with a student and his/her parent/guardian to sign an Attendance Contract after the 7th unexcused absence.

After returning to school, all arrangements to make up work must be completed within three (5) school days.  The time frame for completing makeup work will be determined by the teacher.

C. Checking Out

1. Bring a note to the office before 1st period begins.  It must include the student’s name, reason for dismissal, and time of dismissal.  It must be signed by a parent and must have a phone number where the parent can be reached for verification.  The student will not be allowed to leave unless the office verifies the note.

2. Students are not allowed to return to school after checking out unless they have a medical appointment, are appearing in court, or are attending a funeral.  Written documentation from the health care provider or the court is required.  Other requests to return to campus must be approved by the administration.

3. Student checkout on days before holidays or on exam days is by note or family verification through phone.  


Any student who leaves the school without properly signing out and without authorization will face possible suspension.  To leave school during the day at any time and for any reason, a student must sign out through the administrative office.

D. Late Arrival

Upon late arrival to school, after 8:00 AM, students must sign-in with the front office, receive an admittance slip to class, and report directly to class.